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Exceptional fire performance

Why choose mineral wool insulation?

Thermafiber® Safing mineral wool insulation products are designed to provide fire protection in perimeter fire containment systems, floor and wall penetrations, construction joints, and other firestopping applications.

Step-by-Step Guide: Installing Thermafiber® Safing Mineral Wool Insulation

When Life Safety Matters Most

Owens Corning® Thermafiber® is committed to providing solutions that help the commercial building professional confidently design, specify, and install durable perimeter fire containment systems for commercial structures.

Specifications & Literature

Performance Attributes

Fire Resistance icon

Fire Resistance

Acoustic Properties icon

Acoustic Properties

Technical Information

Physical Properties




Corrosion of Steel, Aluminum, and Copper ASTM C665Noncorrosive, Types I, II
Non-CombustibilityASTM E136Non-Combustible
Non-CombustibilityCAN/ULC S114Complies
Water Vapor PermeanceASTM E96

Unfaced, 50 perms as tested
Foil-Faced, 0.02 perms as tested

Water Vapor SorptionASTM C1104Sorption less than 1% by volume
Surface Burning CharacteristicsASTM E84

Unfaced, Flame Spread 0. Smoke Developed 0
Foil-Faced, Flame Spread 25, Smoke Developed 0

Surface Burning CharacteristicsCAN/ULC S102

Unfaced, Flame Spread 0, Smoke Developed 0
Foil-Faced, Flame Spread 25, Smoke Developed 0

Perimeter Fire Containment SystemsASTM E2307

Safing insulation used in conjuction with Thermafiber® FireSpan® insulations and with an approved fill, void, or cavity material sealant in the Perimeter Fire Containment System.

Penetration Firestop SystemsASTM E814 OR UL 1479

Safing insulation used in conjunction with an approved fill, void, or cavity material sealant or other approved material in through – penetration firestop systems

Fire Resistance of Building Joint SystemsUL 2079

Safing insulation used in conjunction with an approved fill, void, or cavity material in construction joint systems

Fire Tests of Firestop SystemsCAN/ULC S115Complies

Safing products are approved by: New York City Board of Standards & Appeals – (under BSA 39-74-SM & accepted by MEA-209-82-M, Vol. 4).


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