Trusted for Generations
Made for the Next One
Trusted for Generations
Made for the Next One
Empowering the next generation of insulation professionals.
I Am Next Gen
I Am Next Gen
They’re building on the past and planning for the future. Leveraging the tried-and-true while embracing the new and innovative. They’re the next generation of insulation professionals.
On this page, we are featuring stories from Next Gen pros from across the industry, adding more over time. Come back to see more examples of the many insulation business owners and installers working to move the industry forward.
Natural PolymersBen Brown
Ben Brown
He grew up around his dad’s construction business but always had a love for chemistry. When he happened across an old spray foam machine, Ben saw an opportunity. Blending a scientific imagination with real job site experience, he started a chain reaction of his own.
The Mullins CompanyBryan Mullins
Bryan Mullins
His dad took over the family business, but never expected his sons would do the same. After considering his options, Bryan realized that one path offered the perfect combination of family ties and professional opportunities.
Rockweiler InsulationRenee Wilson
Renee Wilson
She was in fifth grade when her dad launched his one-man insulation company in Verona, WI. Despite growing up in the family business and loving it, she never planned to run it. But along the way, something changed.
Why Owens Corning?
Why Owens Corning?
Our impact goes well beyond product innovation. We’re helping insulation contractors to meet the highest standards by providing industry-leading education, training and business support through programs like our nationally recognized Certified Energy Expert® Contractor Program. We’re empowering the next generation of insulation professionals with the tools to succeed in today’s competitive market. And we’re driving sustainability with bold initiatives that meet the needs of the present while moving toward a net-positive future.
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Training & Education
See what we’re doing to leave a smaller footprint (and a bigger handprint) for the next generation.
Giving Back
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