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Foamular® NGX®

Build Above the Rest

Throughout 2021, 11 states adopted new regulations to promote sustainable buildings, and now eco-friendly insulation is becoming the new standard. Because of this shift, momentum continues to build with FOAMULAR® NGX® (Next Generation Extruded) insulation, which is produced with a proprietary blowing agent that goes well beyond most regulations. The formulation and production process for Owens Corning FOAMULAR® NGX® insulation meets or exceeds the new, more stringent regulatory standards without sacrificing product performance. FOAMULAR® NGX® is available across the entire U.S. and Canada. 

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BIM Library


We are thrilled to unveil our latest innovation for architects, engineers, and construction specifiers—the comprehensive BIM Library exclusively designed for our esteemed FOAMULAR® line of XPS insulation products. With this cutting-edge resource, we're revolutionizing the way you access and integrate insulation solutions into your projects, bringing you greater unrivaled efficiency, performance, and design versatility.

Man working at a computer, browsing the Owens Corning BIM Library

Maximize Performance. Minimize Global Warming Potential.

You can feel confident specifying Owens Corning® FOAMULAR® NGX® insulation in the same places you’d specify legacy FOAMULAR® XPS – like wall assemblies, below-grade foundation walls and slabs, and vegetative roof assemblies – because FOAMULAR® NGX® has the same performance profile you know and trust in a more eco-friendly insulation product.

80%+ Reduction in Embodied Carbon

80%+ Reduction in Embodied Carbon

Delivers a great than 80% reduction in blowing agent global warming potential (GWP)¹

Eliminates HFC 134a

Eliminates HFC 134a

Completely eliminates use of HFC 134a

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Excellent energy efficiency in the form of a high R-5 per inch2

Low Water Absorption

Low Water Absorption

Extremely low water absorption potential, delivering superior R-value retention in the presence of water3

Handles Heavy Loads

Handles Heavy Loads

A wide range of compressive strengths – up to 100 psi – to handle heavy loads3

Lifetime Guarantee

Lifetime Guarantee

The only XPS with a limited lifetime warranty that guarantees a minimum 90% of R-value for the life of the product

Leading Change

Science & Sustainability in Sync

More than six years of R&D and the evaluation of over 100 blowing agent formulations by Owens Corning’s polymer scientists took the industry-leading sustainability of FOAMULAR® NGX® from the lab to the worksite. And now, three years after its introduction to the market, Owens Corning announces the full conversion of its extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulation production to FOAMULAR® NGX® (Next Generation Extruded) in all US and Canadian plants.

f two sets of hands, one holding a tree and the other a city

Make Every Project A Sustainable Project

The proprietary blowing agent in FOAMULAR® NGX® helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and delivers a greater than 80% reduction in embodied carbon of the product.1 Owens Corning’s efforts to help reduce the environmental impact of building products go beyond research and development, and the material science innovations that led to award-winning FOAMULAR® NGX®. Strategic sourcing and supply chain decisions also played a role in assuring production capacity.

two skyscrapers with a blue sky surrounded by trees

EPD Optimized: Qualifies for Option 2 Optimization Credit in LEED v4.1

Produced with 100% renewable electricity, FOAMULAR® NGX® offers an environmental product declaration (EPD) and a greater than 80% reduction in GWP1 which qualifies FOAMULAR® NGX® as two products under LEED v4.1 EPD Option 2.

wiind turbines with a worker in the foreground

Sustainably Manufactured

Manufacturing and material composition matter when it comes to sustainability. That’s why we continue to invest in efficient manufacturing, especially when it comes to our more eco-friendly insulation. FOAMULAR® NGX® is GREENGUARD Gold certified, reusable, made with 100% renewable energy, and contains an average of 20% recycled polystyrene, as certified by Scientific Certification Systems.

city skyline

Smart Material Performance Qualifies for U.S. Green Building Certifications

With zero ozone depletion potential, specifying and installing FOAMULAR® NGX® helps builders achieve LEED, ENERGY STAR®, and Green Building Standard ICC 700-2008 certifications.


Regulatory Changes

On January 1, 2021, Canada and several US states enacted new environmental regulations to lower GWP levels of blowing agent formulations. Review our NA Blowing Agent Regulatory Status Map to see the effectives dates of states that have already adopted the new regulations as well as proposed effective dates for those states where regulations have yet to be finalized.

Final Laws and Regulations in Place (Green)

Effective 1/1/2021:
Canada, California, Colorado, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Washington

Effective 7/1/2021:
Maryland, Massachusetts

Effective 9/1/2021:

Effective 1/1/2022:

Effective 1/1/2022:
Rhode Island, Virginia

Proposed Laws and Regulations (Gray)

Effective Date TBD:

map of United States and Canada showing final and proposed laws


Moving Towards 2030 Greenhouse Gas Goals

By fully converting extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulation production to FOAMULAR® NGX® (Next Generation Extruded) at our U.S. and Canadian manufacturing sites, Owens Corning has eliminated HFC 134a from our XPS insulation products a year before new environmental regulations go into effect. Listen inas Building Enclosure Editor Lindsay Gizicki chats with Rodney Wideman, vice president and general manager of foam insulation about this manufacturing achievement.

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Closeup of a split screen featuring a women on the left and and a man on right

New XPS Foam Options for Architects Seeking Greener Solutions

Many states have limited the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) due to its high global warming potential. Traditional closed-cell foam insulations use HFC blowing agents to achieve the product’s thermal performances. However, HFC alternatives are available in the market. Dave Caputo, director of product marketing-XPS Foam at Owens Corning, discusses the impact of the new regulations on the construction industry, and some of the sustainable options available in the market.

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Owens Corning Foamular 250 NGX pink foam board

Owens Corning Introduces FOAMULAR® NGX® Insulation

Owens Corning introduces FOAMULAR® NGX® Insulation with an innovative blowing agent blend that delivers 90% reduction in Global Warming Potential.

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Podcast branding around sustainble buildings featuring a white headset

Smart and Sustainable: Building for the Future

Is the handprint bigger than the footprint? Environmental sustainability, extreme weather events and more stringent climate protocols are driving sustainability trends. Join us as Frank O’Brien-Bernini, CSO at Owens Corning shares perspective on new innovations and emerging trends driving sustainable buildings.

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Podcast branding around the future of building science featuring a white headset

Future Science: Smart Innovations for 2021 & Beyond

“What does the science say?” That’s a question we’ve asked a lot in 2020. Listen in as Jose Mendez-Andino, VP Research and Development, Owens Corning Insulation, shares a scientist’s perspective on how today’s R&D efforts today are inspiring innovations for 2021 and beyond.

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Exposed xps pink insulation foam board within exterior of a commercial buiding

Green Building News

Owens Corning Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Frank O’Brien-Bernini discusses Owens Corning’s leadership position regarding the regulatory changes for XPS Insulation set to take effect on January 1, 2021.

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Building Enclosure Solutions

Owens Corning® Enclosure Solutions offers one of the largest portfolios of commercial insulation products for walls, roofs, and below-grade foundations. Engineered with Owens Corning technical expertise and supported by Building Science, Owens Corning® Enclosure Solutions deliver buildings that perform without compromising design. 

When you’re looking for premium eco-friendly insulation you can rely on, you want FOAMULAR® NGX™ insulation. We’ve developed our Owens Corning NGX insulation to leave a smaller carbon footprint while providing the same performance you’ve come to expect from all our commercial insulation products. Designed with architects, engineers, and contractors in mind, Foamular NGX is the smart option for sustainability. Our eco-friendly insulation boards perform well in a variety of climate regions without the need to worry about a significant drop off in R-value over time unlike other green alternatives. No matter what your commercial insulation project is, Owens Corning FOAMULAR NGX is the name you can trust. 

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1. Impact measured over 100-year time horizon, as compared to legacy FOAMULAR®.

2. R means the resistance to heat flow; the higher the value, the greater the insulation power. This insulation must be installed properly to get the marked R-value. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. If a manufacturer’s fact sheet is not provided with the material shipment, request this and review it carefully. The U.S. FTC requires the R-value of home insulation to be measured at 75°F mean temperature. R-value claims should always be compared at the same mean temperature.

3. Per ASTM C240 as compared to allowable moisture absorption of other insulations in ASTM C578 polystyrene standards.