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Steel Stud Wall Masonry Veneer

Mineral Wool CI with Fluid or Sheet AWB


This Enclosure Solutions Wall System includes a steel stud structure with masonry veneer, exterior gypsum sheathing, mineral wool continuous insulation & mineral wool cavity batt insulation. Complies with NFPA 285 (fire), ASTM E2357 (air), & ASTM E331 (water).

Steel Stud Wall Masonry Veneer Mineral Wool CI with Fluid or Sheet AWB

Products In This Solution

Additional Products

Sold Separately

  • Interior Gypsum Board
  • Galvanized Steel Studs
  • Exterior Gypsum Sheathing
  • Air & Water Barrier (AWB)
  • Air & Water Sealing Fasteners
  • Through Wall Flashing
  • Masonry Anchors
  • Brick Veneer
  • Weep Hole Inserts

Make it Even Easier with a Pre-Engineered Wall System

With CavityComplete® Wall Systems, you can efficiently specify and detail quality assemblies with components that are completely compatible, code compliant, and warrantied to perform together.

  • Complete Compatibility
  • Complete Performance
  • Complete Confidence
cavity complete wall systems

Performance Attributes

Flame icon

Fire Resistance

Sound icon

Sound Reduction

Recycling icon

Recycled Content

Icon of house showing heat waves

Thermal Comfort


ASHRAE Standard 90.1 requires Continuous Insulation (CI) be used for all commercial and some residential buildings in the United States. Continuous insulation is defined in 90.1 as “insulation that is continuous across all structural members without thermal bridges other than fasteners and service openings. It is installed on the interior, exterior, or is integral to any opaque surface of the building envelope”.


ASTM E2307

ASTM E2307 measures the ability of perimeter fire barrier systems to maintain a seal and prevent interior fire spread as the exterior wall assembly deflects and deforms during fire exposure. The ASTM E2307 test exposes the joint to fire from the room of fire origin and the exterior wall to fire from both the interior and the exterior as the fire plume exits the room of fire origin through a window opening. ASTM E 2307 determines the period of time that the perimeter fire containment system will limit flame penetration through the opening between the exterior wall assembly and the floor assembly.

 ASTM E2307

NFPA 285 Compliant

NFPA 285 is required in the International Building Code (IBC) in multiple situations. The NFPA 285 test is to determine that combustibles, when exposed to fire on the exterior face of the wall, do not spread flame over the surface or through the core of the otherwise non-combustible wall assembly.

NFPA 285 Compliant

Additional Attributes and Compliance

This wall assembly enclosure also meets the following codes and standards. Click a standard to learn more


Construction Details including BIM objects and CAD drawing files for Steel Stud Enclosure Solutions Wall Systems are available for download below.

BIM Objects

Building Enclosure Steel Stud BIM Object

Building Enclosure Steel Stud BIM Object

RVT 940 KB

CAD Files

Panel System with Thermafiber® Rainbarrier® 45 to Masonry CAD Drawing

Panel System with Thermafiber® Rainbarrier® 45 to Masonry CAD Drawing

PDF 145.17 KB

Steel Stud Sill- Thermafiber Rainbarrier 45 Mineral Wool with Masonry Return and Wash Cavity Closure

Steel Stud Sill- Thermafiber® RainBarrier® 45 Mineral Wool with Masonry Return and Wash Cavity Closure

DWG 77.98 KB

Steel Stud Head- Thermafiber Rainbarrier 45 Mineral Wool CI with FRTW Blocking and Loose Angle Cavity Closure

Steel Stud Head- Thermafiber® RainBarrier® 45 Mineral Wool CI with FRTW Blocking and Loose Angle Cavity Closure

PDF 216.02 KB

DWG 81.98 KB

Steel Stud Head-Thermafiber Rainbarrier 45 Mineral Wool CI with Steel Angle Cavity Closure

Steel Stud Head-Thermafiber® RainBarrier® 45 Mineral Wool CI with Steel Angle Cavity Closure

PDF 217.36 KB

PDF 141.3 KB

Case Studies & Projects

University of Michigan North Quad Building

University of Michigan North Quad Building

Ann Arbor, MI

Owens Corning® Thermafiber® RainBarrier® 45 mineral wool insulation was used in the masonry cavity wall construction to minimize the loss of hot and cold and maximize energy efficiency, thermal insulation, fire protection and acoustical control.

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