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Thermal insulation solutions for piping and equipment operating at cyclic temperatures.

Systems that are in dual temperature service operate at temperatures varying between two limits, usually a high temperature and a low temperature.

In this case, the limitation of the surface condensation applies for the low temperature and the limitation of the surface temperature for the high temperature.

The heat transfer limitation for economic reasons applies in both cases, in function of the time periods during which the installation is running at the given temperatures.

The process control requirement and the eventual fire protection requirement are often less stringent, although they can become predominant in some particular cases, depending on the product that runs through the pipes.

Steel pipes in chemical plant

Closed-cell FOAMGLAS® cellular glass insulation can help limit condensation caused by the difference between the low temperature and the outside temperature. This can help ensure that the system is working as efficient as possible. The insulation system will stay dry and deliver constant insulation performance throughout its lifetime.

Corrosion under insulation is no stranger for systems that operate under cyclic temperatures. This is why it’s important to install a closed-cell, impermeable insulation system to help keep water out.

FOAMGLAS with water drops water resistant insulation

Typical configuration for piping and equipment operating at cyclic temperatures:

  • One or several layers of FOAMGLAS® cellular glass dry applied with staggered joints.
  • A sealer applied in the joints of the outside layer.
  • A fabric reinforced coating or a metal jacket.
  • Anti-corrosion layer applied on the surface to be insulated.
  • Anti-abrasive layer.