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Thermal insulation solutions for chilled water pipes in processing environments.

Chilled water systems play an important role in meeting the cooling needs of industrial facilities. Because chilled water pipes operate below ambient temperatures, proper insulation is required to protect these pipes from moisture and condensation problems such as corrosion and mold growth.

An adequate insulation system helps to safeguard against heat gain, that could minimize the cooling system's efficiency and drive operating and energy costs up. Unwanted heat gain on chilled water lines can be a serious threat to having complete control over your processing systems.

Chilled water pipes are especially prone to moisture intrusion because of the temperature difference between the chilled water pipes and the surrounding environment. Moisture intrusion is the condensation of vapor on the surface of the pipe. Vapor condensation and formation of moisture on the surface of the piping network can result in several problems, including possible mold and mildew growth. This could pose significant health risks to facility workers over the life of the system.

industrial chilled water system

Additionally, moisture can cause pipes to corrode and deteriorate more rapidly. A malfunctioning or inefficient chilled water system can have serious implications, especially in facilities where round-the-clock cooling of processes is crucial.

The selection and installation of the right insulation material can mitigate such damage and prolong the service life of your facility's chilled water system.

FOAMGLAS® insulation answers these requirements while ensuring the insulation of the pipes. Its constant insulation efficiency will helps prevent heat gain, as well as moisture ingress due to surface condensation and therefore help limit any formation of corrosion on pipes.

Chilled water process pipes

Typical configuration

for service temperatures between -4°C and 15°C (25°F and 59°F):

  • A single layer system of FOAMGLAS® insulation is generally sufficient for this temperature range.
  • Joints shall be sealed with a PITTSEAL® sealant appropriate for the application.
  • Coating, jacketing or cladding finish where required.