Iconic Brand
Iconic Brand
Just as our organization and offerings have evolved throughout our history, so have our identity, priorities, and character. We have always been committed to improving our world and the lives of those in it. This commitment has grown over time and evolved to meet the needs of our planet, employees, and the organizations we serve.
We first added red dye into our machinery to dye our insulation pink to distinguish our material in 1956. We’ve become known for this colored insulation ever since.
In 1980, the Pink Panther first joined our team to promote our pink Fiberglas™ insulation. He has continued to appear in ads and has become a beloved member of our team and brand and an engrained part of our corporate identity. This, along with our recognizable pink insulation, led us to become the first company to trademark a color (our noteworthy pink) in 1987. This color and the Pink Panther continue to be cornerstones of our recognizable brand today.