Titanium® UDL50
Installation InstructionsTitanium® UDL50
Titanium® UDL50 Synthetic Underlayment is a water and vapor barrier (.06 perms) and therefore should be installed above a properly ventilated space(s). It is recommended to follow all building codes applicable to your geographical region and structure type.
Deck Prep
Deck Prep
All protrusions from the deck area must be removed and ensure the deck has no voids, damaged or unsupported areas. Deck surface should be free of debris, dry and moisture free.
Titanium® UDL50 must be covered by primary roofing within 180 days of application. Titanium® UDL50 is designed for use under asphalt, metal and cedar shake roofing.
For slopes from 2:12 and higher: Titanium® UDL50 is to be laid out horizontally (parallel) to the eaves with the printed side up. Horizontal laps should be 4 inches and vertical laps should be 6 inches and anchored approximately 1 inch in from the edge. For low slope applications, it is recommended to overlap 50% plus 1 inch. For complete definition of low slope and guidelines consult authorities having jurisdiction. Titanium® UDL50 is not recommended for slopes less than 2:12. The use of a roofing hammer, hatchet hammer, pneumatic air or gas-driven fastener tools is acceptable. The use of a straight edge cutting knife is recommended.
For same day coverage with primary roofing Titanium® UDL50 can be anchored with corrosive resistant 3/8 inch head x 1 inch leg roofing nails (ring shank preferred, smooth leg acceptable). The use of every other anchoring location printed on the product is also acceptable. DO NOT USE STAPLES: The use of staples to penetrate Titanium® UDL50 will void warranty.
All anchoring nails must be flush, 90 degrees to the roof deck, and tight with the underlayment surface and the structural roof deck.
Extended Exposure
Extended Exposure
If Titanium® UDL50 will be exposed longer than 1 day but less than 5 days, then it is recommended to anchor using corrosive resistant 3/8 inch head x 1 inch leg roofing nails (ring shank preferred, smooth leg acceptable). For exposure more than 5 days and up to 180 days, Titanium® UDL50 must be anchored with 1 inch plastic, metal cap smooth or ring shank roofing nails. Miami-Dade approved tin tags or metal caps are also acceptable, and it is recommended for best performance to use with the rough edge facing up. For extended exposure, it is always recommended to anchor on every printed position on the facer. Note: Titanium® UDL50 is not designed for indefinite outdoor exposure. For extended exposure conditions where driving rain or strong winds are expected, it is recommended to take additional precautions such as doubling the lap widths. Alternately or in addition to, a compatible sealant could be used between the laps or a peel and stick tape could be applied to the overlaps.
Caution - Read Good Safety Practices Below
Caution - Read Good Safety Practices Below
Good safety practices should be followed on steep slope roofs, such as use of tie-offs, toe boards, ladders and/or safety ropes and personal body harnesses. Follow OSHA guidelines. Slip resistance may vary with surface conditions from debris that accumulates, weather, footwear and roof pitch. Failure to use proper safety gear can result in serious injury. Depending on roof pitch and surface conditions, blocking may be required to support materials on the roof and is good safety practice. Remember to seal the nail holes after removing blocking.