Begin hip application at the eave working toward the ridge.
- Begin ridge application opposite the prevailing wind direction. (Fig. A)
- Arrange DURARIDGE Hip & Ridge shingles along the center line so that both halves of the laminated piece fall on opposite sides of the hip or ridge. (Fig. B)
- Begin application by creating a starting piece using the laminated piece with the 8 inch exposed portion of the shingle removed. Fasten starter piece with one nail on each side 1 inch in from the side edge starting from the fixed side edge placed into the SureNail® Technology fastening area.
- Continue to fasten each full shingle through the top laminated piece with one nail on each side placed 9 inches back from the exposed end and 1 inch in from the side edge starting from the fixed edge of each shingle. Note: Fasteners must be placed into the SureNail® Technology fastening area. (Fig. B)
- Apply remaining hip and ridge shingles in the same manner with 8 inch exposure.
- When finishing the ridge, leave no laminated portion of the last hip and ridge shingle exposed. One option is to use the 8 inch exposure portion of a hip and ridge shingle, cutting a piece the appropriate length to extend over the laminated portion of the shingle to the end of the ridge.
- Fasten final piece with two nails, each 1 inch in from each side edge and 1 inch in from the end of the ridge. Cover exposed fasteners with asphalt roof cement. Asphalt roof cement must meet ASTM D-4586 Type I or Type II (Asbestos Free). Note: Please be aware that excessive amounts of asphalt roof cement could blister the shingle.