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Before You Begin

Complete shingle application on roof deck before applying hip and ridge shingles. Hip shingles must be applied before applying ridge shingles. All hip and ridge shingles are applied with an 8 inch exposure.

Note: If a new roof is being applied over an existing roof, remove the old hip and ridge shingles to obtain a level application.

Handling: Use extra care in handling shingles when the temperature is below 40°F. In cold weather, it is recommended to warm DURARIDGE shingles before installing.

Fastener Requirement: Use galvanized steel, stainless steel, or aluminum nails minimum 12 gauge shank with 3/8” diameter head. Owens Corning Roofing recommends that fasteners comply with ASTM F 1667. Check local building codes. All Fasteners must penetrate at least 3/4” into the wood deck or completely through sheathing.

Note: Owens Corning Roofing recommends the use of nails as the preferred method of attaching shingles to wood decking or other nailable surface.


Begin hip application at the eave working toward the ridge.

  1. Begin ridge application opposite the prevailing wind direction. (Fig. A)
  2. Arrange DURARIDGE Hip & Ridge shingles along the center line so that both halves of the laminated piece fall on opposite sides of the hip or ridge. (Fig. B)
  3. Begin application by creating a starting piece using the laminated piece with the 8 inch exposed portion of the shingle removed. Fasten starter piece with one nail on each side 1 inch in from the side edge starting from the fixed side edge placed into the SureNail® Technology fastening area.
  4. Continue to fasten each full shingle through the top laminated piece with one nail on each side placed 9 inches back from the exposed end and 1 inch in from the side edge starting from the fixed edge of each shingle. Note: Fasteners must be placed into the SureNail® Technology fastening area. (Fig. B)
  5. Apply remaining hip and ridge shingles in the same manner with 8 inch exposure.
  6. When finishing the ridge, leave no laminated portion of the last hip and ridge shingle exposed. One option is to use the 8 inch exposure portion of a hip and ridge shingle, cutting a piece the appropriate length to extend over the laminated portion of the shingle to the end of the ridge.
  7. Fasten final piece with two nails, each 1 inch in from each side edge and 1 inch in from the end of the ridge. Cover exposed fasteners with asphalt roof cement. Asphalt roof cement must meet ASTM D-4586 Type I or Type II (Asbestos Free). Note: Please be aware that excessive amounts of asphalt roof cement could blister the shingle.
Fig. A and B

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