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RhinoRoof® U20 Synthetic Underlayment is a water and vapor barrier and therefore must be installed above a properly ventilated space(s). Follow all building codes applicable to your geographical region and structure type as it is considered a vapor barrier.

Always follow safe roofing practices and OSHA safety requirements. Always wear and use fall protection devices when working on roofs. Use caution when walking or standing on RhinoRoof® U20 in wet or dusty conditions that may reduce traction. Failure to use proper safety equipment and footwear can result in serious injury.

Deck Prep

RhinoRoof® U20 should be applied to a properly prepared dry deck that is smooth, clean and free from any depressions, projections or protruding nails. Acceptable roof deck materials are minimum 3/8 inch plywood, minimum 7/16 inch OSB or minimum 6 inch roof deck boards. Roof decks should be structurally sound and meet or exceed minimum requirements of the roof deck manufacturer and local building codes.


RhinoRoof® U20 must be covered by primary roofing within 90 days of application. RhinoRoof® U20 is designed for use under asphalt or synthetic shingles, metal in residential applications and cedar shakes that have been primed.


Slopes from 4:12 and greater: RhinoRoof® U20 is to be laid out horizontally (parallel) to the eaves with the printed side up. Horizontal laps should be 4 inches and vertical laps should be 6 inches and anchored approximately 1 inch in from the edge. End laps in a succeeding course should be located at least 6 feet from laps in the preceding course.

Slopes 2:12 to less than 4:12: Cover the deck with two layers of RhinoRoof® U20. Begin by fastening a 22 inch wide strip of RhinoRoof® U20 along the eaves with the minimal fasteners needed to hold the course in place. Place a full-width sheet over the 22 inch course and overlap each successive course by 50% plus 1 inch. Additional fasteners may be required in high-wind regions per local building codes. Vertical lap requirements are the same as 4:12 and greater slopes.

Slopes less than 2:12: RhinoRoof® U20 is not recommended for use.


Provided there is no rain or high winds, RhinoRoof® U20 can be anchored with staples, cap staples or corrosive resistance 3/8 inch head X 1 inch leg roofing nails (ring shank preferred, smooth leg acceptable), when covered with primary roofing on the same day.

If RhinoRoof® U20 will not be covered on the same day and up to 90 days, then product must be attached to the roof deck using a minimum 1 inch diameter plastic or metal cap roof nail (ring shank preferred, smooth leg acceptable). Miami-Dade approved tin tags/metal caps are also acceptable and it is recommended for best performance to use with the rough edge facing up. For extended exposure, it is required that RhinoRoof® U20 be anchored in all locations printed on the facer. Consult local building codes for fastener type and spacing requirements.

For extended exposure conditions where driving rain or strong winds are expected, it is recommended to take additional precautions such as doubling the lap widths. Alternatively or in addition to, a compatible sealant could be used between the laps or a peel and stick tape could be applied to the overlaps.


All anchoring nails must be flush, 90 degrees to the roof deck and tight with the underlayment surface and the structural roof deck.

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