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with F5 Roofing & Gutters
  • Ice & Water
  • 2Underlayment2 of 6
  • 3Starter Shingles
  • 4Shingles
  • 5Ventilation
  • 6Hip & Ridge
  • 7Summary

Synthetic Underlayment

Provides a secondary barrier to help keep water out of your home.

Premium Performance

  • DeckDefense®

    Premium synthetic construction with high-traction, slip-resistant surface. 180 day UV exposure protection†.

  • Titanium®

    Premium synthetic underlayment with Sure-Foot® walking surface for superior walkability. 180 day UV exposure protection †.

High Performance

  • Recommended
    RhinoRoof® U20

    Synthetic construction that is strong, durable and repels water. Fiber grip walking surface and 60 day UV exposure protection†.

  • ProArmor®

    Synthetic construction that is strong, durable and repels water with dual-surface slip resistance. 90 day UV exposure protection†.

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* See actual warranty for complete details, limitations, and requirements.

** As a single family homeowner, lifetime coverage means that your warranty is in effect as long as you own your home. See actual warranty for complete details, limitations, and requirements.

We strive to accurately reproduce all photographs of shingles in literature and for onscreen viewing. The roofing product colors you see are as accurate as technology allows. We suggest that you view a roofing display or several shingles to get a better idea of the actual color. To accurately judge your shingle and color choice, we recommend that you view it on an actual roof with a pitch similar to your own roof prior to making your final color selection.

† For non-asphaltic roofing materials, check with the manufacturer as to the suitability of using the indicated Synthetic Roof Underlayment. All Installations should follow the roofing manufacturer's application instructions.